Maison Jodh, based in Brignais, is a French jewelry house renowned for its handcrafted, ethical creations. Founded by Jonathan and Ombeline Dementin-Heidsieck, the company combines tradition and innovation to offer unique jewelry. Among their most frequently used materials, 925 hallmarked silver stands out for its quality and certification.
What is 925 Silver?
925 silver, also known as sterling silver, is an alloy of 92.5% pure silver and 7.5% other metals, usually copper. The hallmark is an official mark affixed to the silver to certify its quality and pure silver content. At Maison Jodh, we use 925 silver to guarantee the quality and authenticity of our jewelry.
The Elegance and Durability of 925 Silver
925 hallmarked silver is prized for its brilliance and durability. At Maison Jodh, we carefully select each material for its quality and brilliance, guaranteeing a piece of jewelry that will last a lifetime. Discover our silver jewelry collection here.
Varied Collections in 925 Sterling Silver
If our Astrological Sign, Symbol or Declaration collections appeal to you, you'll find the silver jewelry that speaks to your heart at Maison Jodh.
The Jodh Experience
To discover the full extent of our expertise and personalize your own piece of 925 sterling silver jewelry, we invite you to visit our official website. You'll find detailed personalization options, as well as advice on choosing the perfect piece of jewelry for every occasion.
At Maison Jodh, every piece of jewelry is more than an accessory: it's a work of art and a symbol of your history. Adopt 925 silver jewelry and let this emblem of elegance and quality embellish your precious moments.